Monday, July 07, 2008

Clown Alert

Barry Lubin, better known as the clown "grandma" is sailing with us until Copenhagen. He's a member of the Clown Hall of Fame and entertained us last night with episodes of whoopee cushions and eating popcorn off of a bald man's head. I'm not one of those adults that says "I know it's irrational, but would you mind staying clear of my space," when I see one, but clowns do admittedly raise a fair amount of curiosity in my mind each time I am in their presence. Which isn't often. He answered a bevy of questions after his performance, which got me thinking of clowns outside of the Bonkers, Shakes, and Tim Curry in "IT" variety. He talked about some of the work they do with sick children -- how they are sometimes the only people throughout the day that ask children their permission to enter their hospital room, and how the kids sometimes say no. He gave us an overview of going to college at Barnum and Bailey, which appropriately includes classes on elephant riding, and some insights as to how he created his main character "grandma" -- he was working at a big ring circus in VENICE, FLORIDA and was inspired by the audience. Of course there's a Venice in Florida.

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