Next to Hitler, and maybe Che, Mao is perhaps the greatest marketer of all time, clearly putting the prop in propaganda as his face can still be seen on watches, posters, plates, gloves, food ... you name it. For the past two years, there's not a country I've been to that hasn't been covered in Obama bling. Leading up to the election, there were T-shirts and full-on albums of songs about Obama in places as remote as Dominica, and those lovely rhinestone dotted Barack watches are still being sold next to a pile of zippo lighters and gold coins.
In China (and Hong Kong), I'd say that Mao is still leading in Bric-a-Brac design, littering thousands of items in dusty shop windows; however, I was surprised to find so much Obama in a communist country (even if one is just a store with his name in the title) ...
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